Sunday, July 8, 2007

Family time!

Aunt Louise and Matthew's son
Look at that watermelon juice! :) so sweet
Todd, Leon and Tommy
Illan, Daddy and Mike cute :)
Anthony, Gary, Philyaw, Todd and guitar guy
Timmy Toe and Lori
Tommy, Todd, Daddy, Matthew and Uncle Elmer

Aunt Gladys and Timmy's Harley
Timmy and his mom Gladys
Three stooges...Todd, Tommy and Timmy
Uncle Elmer and Uncle Ed...notice his lack of belt HAHA
Tiffany and her daddy Mike
Hope, Lori and Julie (Ray's wife)
Scott and Hope
Steve and his dad
Roy, Elmer and Matthew
Ryan, Gladys and Tamara
Matthew and Roy
Anthony and his granny Louise
Timmy and Illan
Captive Audience :)
Uncle Ray, Uncle Ed, Uncle Elmer and Mom
Mom, Aunt Nancy, Aunt Gladys, Aunt Louise
Uncle Ray, Uncle Ed and Uncle Elmer
Annissa, Tabitha, Holly, Courtney and Lori
Ray's son Samuel
Charlie and Tamera
Julie and Lori
Tamara and Mom
Matthew, Lori and LEE....ELLEN....this is LEE!!
Eli, Samuel and Todd...they were pickin'
Timmy and his baby Tamara
AnthonyGladys and Louise
Tamara and Hope
Ray and Eli
Lori and Mike...our gracious hosts!
Todd tellin a tale to the uncles!
Tabitha, Matthews son, Courtney
Samuel and Eli
Roy and Timmy Toe
Jessica and her beau
Holly and Matthew
It was a great time, so much food and fun....loads of family. We are a great family!! Only pictures missing are of the ones that couldn't come. Can't wait until the next get together....and the next, the next!
Will post the pictures Tamara took for me shortly....she got some great ones!!!

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